Couples Therapeutic Massage Classes
Hands-On training from Physical Therapists to provide you with basic tools to help your partner deal with daily aches and pains.*
Relaxing Techniques

This class is designed for those couples interested in learning basic manual techniques to use on their partners. We will go over body position, hand position, and proper force application. This class is 60 minutes long and covers the therapeutic benefits of massage, proper body positioning to protect the massaging partner, and applications of these skills. Both partners may have an opportunity to practice on each other for about 25 minutes, or one partner may choose to practice for 50 minutes.
$150 per couple
Therapeutic Techniques

This class is designed for those couples interested in learning more advanced techniques that can be used to help when a partner is feeling some discomfort. We will go over body position, hand position, and proper force application, in addition to basic manual techniques to relax tissue. This class will be 90 minutes long and will also go over additional treatment techniques and philosophies such as trigger point massage and myofascial release. We will demonstrate their usefulness on common complaints such as sciatica, neck stiffness, headaches, muscle aches, and recovery from exercises. These topics can be tailored to each class individually based on the participants interests.
$200 per couple
This class is not intended to replace skilled treatment by a licensed professional, but to give you the basic skills to help with a variety of common complaints of discomfort experienced on occasion in active adults. If you suffer from any chronic pains that require extensive treatment, this class would be a wonderful adjunct to regular treatment, but not a sole source of relief. If you are experiencing any acute pain, this class is not intended to provide treatment. An evaluation by a licensed provider would be more appropriate and can be scheduled in addition to, or in lieu of this class.